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mind-body connection

How does somatic therapy work?

How does somatic therapy work?

Oftentimes in session when I slow my clients down just enough to actually notice and stay with their body, there is something there, just below the surface.⁠

Sometimes it's emotion - tears, grief, anger, pain. Sometimes it's even a part - any indication of imperfection they are afraid to accept, or an identity that's unsafe to express.⁠..

How to get out of your head

How to get out of your head

We live a lot of our lives in our heads. A lot of my clients literally come to therapy because they can't seem to "get out of their heads." ⁠And yet when it comes to the wisdom, information and immense healing potential our bodies often offer, our culture has historically overlooked and devalued the body, reinforcing a great split between body and mind.⁠